Western Australia

Journal – Reports deadline extended

The deadline for submitting reports for the next issue of our journal Studies in Oral History has been extended from 30 April to 14 May 2023.

Reports may describe oral history projects conducted by academic researchers, museum curators, heritage professionals, consulting historians, community historians and more. Projects may have resulted in public outcomes such as websites, exhibitions, podcasts, theses, articles or books. Please note the reports section is not peer-reviewed; notes from the field, updates on exciting new work, or reflections on the process and/or outcomes of oral history projects are encouraged. Reports which relate to the issue theme of ‘Oral History in Troubling Times: Opportunities & Challenges’ are welcome but not mandatory.

Word limit: 1,500 words.

Deadline for report submissions: Sunday 14 May 2023.

Please send reports to Alexandra Mountain, Reports Editor of Studies in Oral History, reports.journal@oralhistoryaustralia.org.au

Please note that while the reports are not peer-reviewed, we cannot accept all reports for publication and accepted reports will need to be edited for length, clarity and adherence to the Style Guide. Reports will be selected on the basis of quality of writing, the diversity of oral history perspectives showcased across the reports section and relevance to the special issue theme. Please consult the Guidelines for Contributors and Style Guide for further information.

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