Western Australia

Journal – New section editors & CFR

Alexandra Mountain, Reports Editor
Gwyn McClelland, Reviews Editor

Studies in Oral History, the Oral History Australia journal, is delighted to welcome two newcomers to its editorial team and announce a Call for Reports in the upcoming 2023 edition.

Our new Reports Editor is Alexandra Mountain. Alexandra is a public historian and archivist, and is currently the Archival Manager for the Society of Australian Genealogists. Her work uses oral histories as a tool to expand the traditional scope of archives, engage meaningfully with communities, and grapple with histories of exclusion and oppression.

We also welcome Gwyn McClelland as our new Reviews Editor. Gwyn is Japanese Studies Senior Lecturer at the University of New England and is currently researching the Goto Archipelago, in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. His monograph, Dangerous Memory in Nagasaki: Prayers, Protests and Catholic Survivor Narratives is a collective biography based on oral history research published by Routledge in 2019.

We would like to thank Gemmia Burden, our outgoing Reviews Editor, for her years of service to the journal. Gemmia has been unfailingly competent and cheerful across many issues of the journal. She will be sorely missed.

Alexandra and Gwyn look forward to receiving your submissions and suggestions for oral history projects to report on and books, exhibitions and podcasts to review!

Call for reports

Submissions are now invited for reports to be published in the 2023 issue of Studies in Oral History (No. 45).

Reports may describe oral history projects conducted by academic researchers, museum curators, heritage professionals, consulting historians, community historians and more. Projects may have resulted in public outcomes such as websites, exhibitions, podcasts, theses, articles or books. Please note the reports section is not peer-reviewed; notes from the field, updates on exciting new work, or reflections on the process and/or outcomes of oral history projects are encouraged. Reports which relate to the issue theme of ‘Oral History in Troubling Times: Opportunities & Challenges’ are welcome but not mandatory.

Word limit: 1,500 words.

Deadline for report submissions: Monday 30 April 2023.

Send reports to: reports.journal@oralhistoryaustralia.org.au.

Send general journal inquiries, including potential reviews, to: journal@oralhistoryaustralia.org.au

Guidelines for contributors: https://oralhistoryaustralia.org.au/journal/guidelines/

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