Western Australia

Oral History Western Australia

 (OHWA) is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit body which offers a range of services to its members including events, training opportunities and equipment hire.

As a state member of Oral History Australia (OHA), we are dedicated to promoting the ethical practice of oral history, a research methodology widely used in academia, professional historian services, communities and the media. Read more about us.

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Upcoming Events

Current Month

October 2024

17octAll Day18Accredited TrainingTwo-day Workshop

19oct9:30 am4:00 pmTraining – Oral history interviewing for beginnersTwo-day workshop held over two weeks

19oct1:00 pm2:30 pmOHWA Annual General Meeting

30octAll Day02novOHA (United States) Annual MeetingOral History: Bridging Past, Present and Future

November 2024

30octAll Day02novOHA (United States) Annual MeetingOral History: Bridging Past, Present and Future

15novAll Day17NOHANZ Conference 2024Working Together

21novAll Day242024 OHA Biennial ConferenceThe Power of Oral History—Risks, Rewards & Possibilities

June 2025

30junAll Day03jul2025 AHA Conference

July 2025

30junAll Day03jul2025 AHA Conference

September 2025

16sepAll Day19IOHA Conference 2024Re-Thinking Oral History

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Wonderful to have #oralhistory  incorporated into the 50th Anniversary exhibition at Murdoch University

Wonderful to have #oralhistory incorporated into the 50th Anniversary exhibition at Murdoch University See MoreSee Less

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