Western Australia

AGM – 19 November 2023

When: Sunday 19 November 2023

Where: State Library WA,  Geographe Room

Time: 12 noon

Download the Nomination form

A call for OHWA Committee members for 2023-2024

Some basic benefits of being a committee member:

  • companionship and learning of new skills.
  • making an important contribution to the role of the OHWA IN Western Australia and therefore the membership
  • develop reporting skills.
  • use their initiative and creativity.
  • access to resources and support from the committee or membership
  • opportunities to influence the direction of the organisation.

OHWA Committee purpose and responsibilities

The role of a committee

The committee is a collection of people (committee members) that form the ‘leadership group’ of an organisation. The committee is primarily responsible for governing, overseeing the affairs of, and making strategic decisions for the OHWA and on behalf of its members. The extent and scope of a committee’s authority is set out in the organisation’s constitution.

A committee member has a defined role and responsibility and is expected to contribute to the collective decision making of the committee.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Each committee member focuses on a key area of activity, which divides committee’s work into more manageable tasks.

Committee member positions

Committee members may be allotted the role/task as outlined below:

  • membership co-ordinator
  • Social Media – website/ Facebook co-ordinator
  • Training, events.
  • general committee member/s
OHWA President job description

The President should:

  • Manage committee meetings.
  • Manage the annual general meeting.
  • Represent OHWA at local, regional, state and national levels.
  • Act as a facilitator for the OHWA activities.
  • Act as a signatory for the Club in all legal purposes and financial purposes

Ideally the President is someone who:

  • Can communicate effectively.
  • Can be a supportive leader of the OHWA membership.
OHWA Vice President job description

The role of the Vice President is to shadow the President in providing leadership and responsibility for the organisation and the Committee and to step into the President’s roles where needed.


  1. In the event of the President being unable to fulfill his/her duties to step into that role
  2. In the absence of the President, chair Committee meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
  3. Be an alternate signatory for the Club for legal purposes and financial purposes
  4. Assist the President in deciding which matters are dealt with by the Committee and any delegated to Committees
  5. Other duties as nominated by the President and / or Committee
OHWA Secretary job description (Honorarium available)

The Secretary is an important administration officer of the Oral History WA and provides the coordinating link between members, the Committee and outside agencies.

Responsibilities and Duties

The Secretary should:

  • Prepare the agenda for committee meetings in consultation with the President.
  • Make arrangements including venue, date, times and hospitality for Committee and member meetings.
  • Send adequate notice of the meetings.
  • Collect and collate reports from office bearers.
  • Call for and receive nominations for committees and other positions for the OHWA AGM.
  • Take the minutes of meetings.
  • Write up the minutes as soon as possible after the meeting.
  • Read, reply and file correspondence promptly.
  • Collate and arrange for the printing of the annual report.
  • Work with the Membership Officer to maintain registers of members’ names and addresses, life members and sponsors.
  • Maintain files of legal documents such as constitutions, SLWA room bookings, and strategic plans.

Ideally the Secretary is someone who:

  • Can communicate effectively.
  • Has a good working knowledge of the constitution.

Estimated Time Commitment Required

The estimated time commitment required as Secretary is an average of 6 hours per month.

OHWA Treasurer job description (Honorarium available)

The Treasurer is responsible for the supervision of the OHWA finances,

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • Provide advice to the Committee in their management of the OHWA finances
  • Administer all financial affairs of the OHWA
  • Lead the annual budget process and ensure an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee and membership for approval
  • Support any required auditing processes
  • Receipt of all incoming monies
  • Pay all accounts
  • Maintain accurate records of all income and expenditure
  • Ensure that all receipts and payments concur with bank deposits and withdrawals
  • Monthly financial reports – present at monthly committee meetings
  • Be a signatory on club bank accounts

Develop if necessary:

  • MYOB training and knowledge

Estimated Time Commitment Required

The estimated time commitment required as Treasurer is an average of 2-4 hours per month.

OHWA Membership Officer

The role of the Membership Officer is to make new and potential members, volunteers, and their networks feel welcome to the OHWA.


  • Provide new members with a Welcome Kit
  • Ensure new members are included on newsletter and social event distribution lists
  • Relay membership information to the OHWA Secretary
  • Notify Treasurer of number of capitation fees due to OHA in March of each year
  • Issue invitations for members to renew their annual membership fee.
  • Keep accurate record of all member contact details.

Estimated Time Commitment Required

The estimated time commitment required as Membership Co-ordinator is an average of 2 hours per month.


Download the Nomination form

OHWA Contact details:

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